This project was the biggest infrastructure project undertaken by Tauranga City Council. We worked with the Council since before construction began in 2017 through to delivery in early 2023. The project involved five different construction contracts and community in the neighbouring district of Western Bay of Plenty, requiring specialised communications and engagement support.
Zest Consulting led this by building connections with tangata whenua, key community leaders and WBOPDC to ensure key community members received correct information and had the opportunity to feed into the project.
Now the water supply plant is open we continue to work with councils and iwi to deliver cultural recognition priorities.
Working with the Transport team and the Arataki community to improve transport choices within and through Arataki. A range of stakeholders including central and local government partners and groups in the community with a wide range of views of the best option. A community engagement plan was developed and key stakeholders identified. Regular communication with the wider community has been initiated. Education events for the community to learn about the transport options will be developed with hands on practical testing.